Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Things I have learned in 10 days and what is a forever home

Hi, I'm silly. Oh yes, that is my name too, Silly. My whole name is WhyTellSilly. Well, here's why. I do better when told than when I have to guess.
I guessed it was okay to steal Aunt Lou's treats from the birthday party. Mom told me it was not okay when she found parts of the treat bag inside my muzzle when she got up.
I guessed it was okay to bother the cats when they ran until mom used the squirt bottle on me. She had been telling me too, but I really like running as you should know from all my grade A races. I now know the difference between cats and that funny furry thing at the track.
I guessed it was okay to put my feet on the counter, back to the squirt bottle thing, it's now okay.
I guessed it was okay to pull on the leash when mom is holding it. She still has not convinced me that is not the thing to do. There are so many wonderful things out there to explore. She says I will learn, just give me more time. I will learn, I just don't know when.
Keep checking on me, I will let you know when I learn more things. I really want to learn about this thing they call a forever home.

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