Sunday, July 11, 2010

Silly at our first M&G

Yesterday Silly went to his first meet and greet with his foster family. He was pretty unimpressed. He preferred to look the other way when everyone was around. He had a rough week getting used the many things in the Morris household this week. Plus the last time he went to meet and greet he changed families and I think he was a little afraid that would happen again.

Last week he learned foster mom has some strict rules when it comes to chasing cats. It is not allowed and if she is quick enough chasing or even whining at a cat results in water in the face. He really does not like that. He is learning quickly though, right now he is at my feet with a cat just 5 feet from him and he hasn't even really looked at him. GOOD BOY Silly,.

He doesn't like going in the crate, but when he gets in he is fine. I did hear him whining in the crate when I was in the front yard working but otherwise he is quiet when I go to work and come home.

He has earned no out the the crate when no one is up points. Last night he was muzzled, got out of the bedroom and devoured all of Aunt Lou's birthday party treats. That was with the muzzle on, what could he do without it?????????!!!!!!!!!!

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