Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Major update from Silly

I used to fit my name very well. As you can tell by earlier posts, I was VERY SILLY, now I am just Silly. It still fits, but in a much better way.
What was I thinking, eating a mackerel can, if I wait for mom to open the can, it is so much more tasty.
I still gather things, but it is now just because I want to be closer to mom and dad and I know better than to try to get in the bathroom with them. I just carry their shoes to the other room, place them on by bed and lay down next to them.
I love to play with stuffies and mom says I can bring one or two with me when I get a forever home. I have been out to several homes now and I just love getting to know new people and houses. And one house even had a rug that I thought was a stuffy. I picked it up but put it down as soon as Miss Pam said No. I was just going to show them how much fun I have playing.
The cats are still interesting but I do not chase them any more, in fact I got close enough to George the other day to lick his face, he let me know that was not allowed.
I like walking on a leash now. I spent a few days at Jan and Tom's house and they do not have a fence. I have no problems doing my business on a lead now.
If you want to know any more about me, let mom know at I really am ready for a forever home.

PS Sorry the picture is so small, but dad is not home and mom has no idea how to make it bigger. In the picture I am playing with a big yellow duck.

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